Sunday, February 24, 2013

So Many Blogs

I've been keeping an eye on the Circle of Moms site for a couple years now. I read and answer questions. I scroll through the cookbook, though have yet to add any of my own recipes. I participated in the Top 25 Canadian Mom Blogs contest in 2011, and came 22nd I believe. I kept tabs on other Top 25's that I might participate in. And then I found the Single Mom Blogs contest and read through last years winners and thought, this is something I feel 'qualified' for.
So I stuck my name in for this year's, hoping to make it into the 25, never thinking it would go to top 10 and laughing at the notion of being in the top 5.

And now here I sit, flipping between spot number 4 and 5 and comparing 'little old me' to the rest of the amazing blogs on this list.
For starters, this contest is WORLD WIDE. Most of the participants are from the US. A handful from the UK. Some from Australia and the Middle East. And, as far as I can tell, only three from Canada. Those three blogs currently sit in 3rd, 4th, and 5th place.

I've read the main page and hunted for the author's bio on every single blog up to 55 (there are 71 now, more than when I was creeping people). I've found people from every walk of life....well-off and struggling, East and West, religious and not, people who love Doctor Who as much as I do, people with food allergies, people who are vegan, people who promote local beef, blogs that are very commercial and blogs that are very personal.
So many blogs.

It's strange and I guess a little comforting that there are so many people out there with the same day to day issues as you. And the ones on this list are just the ones who knew about the contest. I'm sure there are hundreds more.

So, thanks for helping me be a part of this. It's awesome to meet (creep on?) all these blogs I never would have known otherwise. If you have the time, read through a few!

5 days left to vote

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